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If available, choose your payment type. How to Perform a PayPal Wire Transfer · Securely link your bank account, credit, or debit card information to send money. · Enter the email or mobile number of. Once you have signed up for PayPal, just download our app, search your PayPal address book, enter the amount and tap 'Send'. Easy as that. You can even add a.
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❻How do I send money? · Tap account Payments. · Enter the recipient's information: Name, money, email address or mobile. · Enter the amount, choose the currency. With PayPal's money transfer services, you can safely send or transfer money, make online payments and pay online, in multiple currencies, to almost anyone.
1. Log in paypal your PayPal account and paypal the “Send Money” tab. · 2. Enter the email address of the PayPal account to which you are send the money. · 3.
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Select the amount of money and type of currency. Login to your PayPal account. · Click on Send and request at the top of the page.
❻· Select the type click payment you intend to make. · Enter the. Once you have signed up for PayPal, just download our app, search your PayPal address book, enter the amount and tap 'Send'.
Easy as that. You can even add a.
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